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Seeds / 籽 #1

February 28, 2015

New Bloom Magazine

by Enbion Micah Aan

Scott A. Hutchins / 斯科特。哈欽斯

Seeds is a photography column that seeks to explore and promote just causes by highlighting individuals‘ efforts. These individuals are seeds of justice and resistance, and seeds for social movements and social changes.

籽是一個藉由凸顯個人努力來發掘與推廣正義事業的攝影專欄。這些人是正義與抗爭的種子, 也是社會運動與社會改變的種子。

Scott Manhattan Institute 2

Mr. Hutchins speaking to crowd at Manhattan Institute protest against Broken Window policy


“The shelter system is a business built on homeless people’s back. The shelter system charges the government 3500 – 4200 dollars a month, depending on [the homeless person’s] situation.  The lower number is for “general population”, like me, while the high number is for mentally ill and chemical abusers, which, contrary to popular belief, make up only about 38% of the total homeless population. The effort to get us employed is severely compromised by money-making strategies on their part. We have a fixed system, a revolving door that keeps the poor, poor, and…

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One Comment
  1. It’s a sad situation… Need a revolution…. A Glass Steagall act bankruptcy or else…. Well if we have a nuclear war and 5 nukes hitting NYC we won’t have to worry about these problems… Time to get the USA working with the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) economic bloc. We can mine Helium-3 from the Moon and then make fusion power. So let’s do it.

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